How love liberates you

Arya Honraopatil
4 min readJun 21, 2021


Love. A word we use so often without letting it’s meaning truly sink in. How often have we really meant it? When was the last time you gave it a thought? In the age of hashtags, we forgot that certain words carry weight. They carry responsibility and depth. And throwing out words like throwing out used napkins is not getting us anywhere.

There are so many beautiful stories portraying love in all different forms, making our heart wrench and cry till the world ends. We get so attached to these stories, we start rooting for the characters and never seem to get over them. Because we all are suckers for good stories.

We all want love in our lives. But I hated the concept until sometime back. Because I thought it made a person weak and vulnerable. I did not want to feel any of that. I didn’t want to feel heart wrenching emotions. But I realized that if I did not want to love anyone, I am also not loving myself.

Loving yourself is a whole different thing. The battle is between your head and your heart. It is not easy accepting yourself the way you are. We are expected to be all good everywhere and at all times. We are not robots for God’s sake. Instead we should be taught to be ourselves. Give time to understand ourselves and our flaws. Then we’ll be able to accept the flaws and when necessary, try to bring certain changes.

Accepting yourself is the first step towards loving yourself. If you cannot love yourself, if you do not think you are worthy of being loved, how can you expect people to love you?

Being yourself is liberating in many ways. You no longer carry the burden to be someone else, to pretend to be someone else. Because at sometime or other, the truth will be out. So it is better to be real from day one. And stand for yourself. Believe in yourself.

When we are with someone, there will come a time, when things will start to seem difficult. When we love someone, whatever the other person does, it has an effect on you. You are just not able to get it out of your head. It goes on like a spiral, down and down. The more you think, the further away you go.

There will be difficult bits to talk and speak and to acknowledge. But you will have to answer the elephant in the room. When you both know what is going on, and you understand that it is going to be uncomfortable, you might hear something which you never expected or something which you never thought you would share, will be out. It will be shocking and surprising and hard to understand at first. You will feel that maybe you shouldn’t have said it. The fear of losing starts creeping in.

But you know, that is the beauty of it. You know you are going to stick with each other no matter what. Because you are too important for each other. And acknowledging it, speaking it and telling the other person what you feel, confiding in them, is so peaceful. It gives a sense of freedom when you are honest. You are making your relation stronger than it was before. It is honest and non-judgmental and gives you real freedom. You are letting everything out from our heart, you are being true to yourself and to the person who loves you. You are growing together.

When you love someone, you unknowingly put the other person’s need ahead of you. It becomes a reflex action to care for the other person first without even thinking what is going to happen to you. And when the other person cares so much about you, then you both have something very beautiful, something which cannot be expressed with words, but beyond.

There is a chance the other person will take time to understand, but they will come around. It will be difficult to suddenly hear certain things, it will blow your mind, it will feel as if you’ve never known this person. But they confided in you, they trusted you, they believed that you will understand, knowing the entire world does not. They believed that you will be there standing behind them, supporting them no matter what.

No one needs you to fight their battles, they just need you to stand behind and let them know that you are there while they fight their battles.

There is love beyond measures, beyond words and beyond the worldly possessions. It is in the actions, in the thoughts, in the head and in your heart. You feel light, happy and free as the bird and with nothing to hide, you are set free from the clutches of expectations.



Arya Honraopatil

Psychology, books and technology. We all have something to learn always!